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Viser innlegg fra september, 2016

s o r r y m u m - I got life!

I got my hair I got my head I got my brains I got my ears I got my eyes I got my nose I got my mouth I got my teeth I got life, mother I got laughs, sister I got freedom, brother I got good times, man I got crazy ways, daughter I got million-dollar charm, cousin I got headaches and toothaches And bad times too Like you Pretty hippycow! You are adorable! s o r r y m u m

s o r r y m u m Venice - doglovers behind the scenes in Italy

You cannot stay in Venice and not notice how much the  dogs are loved. Everywhere you see them. In the streets, at the restaurants, at the trainstations, in the shops, at the bars. Not so unusual. What I found extraordinary, however, was the owners attitude towards their dogs. I never saw an owner yell at his dog. Only patience and love. And the dogs where socialised and included . And happy and patient. How wonderful to see the old dog allowing the puppy to say hi and the two owner chattings in the street - going in different directions but taking the time to stop and let their dogs greet eachother. This is how the puppies learns about other dogs and how to be a dog with other dogs. Stuff only a dog can teach a dog. I photographed these dogs and their owners in Venice in april 2016. Thank you, Venice! s o r r y m u m

s o r r y m u m matauke - stillehavsøsters til besvær

Nydelig selvplukket og dampet stillehavsøsters. Photo: K.Udland For 3 år siden skrev jeg følgende: Østers plukket i en liten bukt i Sandefjord. Sitat fra www.renmat.no : Vi oppfordres av Havforskningsinstituttet til å lete etter Stillehavsøsters som er i ferd med å foreta en "unfriendly takeover" langs kysten vår. Den kan bli et problem i årene fremover, og vi oppfordres derfor til å hente opp og spise så mye stillehavsøsters som mulig. Havforskningsinstituttet er også takknemlige hvis du melder fra hvor du finner den....Stillehavsøsters liker seg på grunt vann og er utsatt for måkeskit. Derfor bør stillehavsøsters varmehandles før de spises. Flatøstersen er den norske arten - truet av stillehavsøstersens inntog i fjordene våre. Globalisering og innvandring uten papirarbeide, men for en smak! Dampet som blåskjell - tar noe lengre tid før de åpner seg - smaker de fortreffelig en solskinnsdag sent i september. Legg de i gryte med litt hvitvin, eventuelt bare vann...

s o r r y m u m reminder - life does not end after 40

The other day I read about the trend of women and men settling with a family later in life - around their thirties. Before they start sharing their lives, they get to create a life of their own. To create an identity, finish their studies, perhaps a career before they choose to share their life with someone.   Good idea. Good idea to get to know yourself before you get to know someone else. Makes it a lot easier. Maybe. There are no guarantees, you see. Life just happens and not everything can be planned. Life does not care about your plans - perhaps Life has it´s own agenda and it keeps it a secret. When life throws you around you don´t always get it. Until perhaps later. Anyway. This is a reminder to YOU to live and to not believe that life and the one you are ceases to exist after you have married and have children. Or whatever way you choose to live.  You are still you, but you need to take care of that part yourself. Nurture yourself. Be true to yourself. In parts ...