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Viser innlegg fra desember, 2016

s o r r y m u m sharing - find your WHY

Found your WHY yet? Simon Sinek :  https://youtu.be/nRaqe9M2DYc Take a good look at your life. Do you enjoy what you`re doing? Do you have a reason for doing it? WHY do you do what you do? Do you wake up in the morning happy and eager to go to work? Simon Sinek put it all in perspective for me. After I found my WHY it inspires and gives me the drive I need to work on my new project. It also taught me why my previous start-ups didn`t become a huge success. I didn`t know why I did it. I knew what I was doing   and how  I how to do it, but my heart was not in it. This time I found my WHY and it gives me the inspiration I need to do what is required to make it a success.  Although sometimes I forget my WHY and get lost in numbers and emptiness, which I regard to be leftoverthoughts from previous startups and experiences. But when my WHY clicks in again, it gets me back on the right track immediately, and I feel pure joy and an insane urge to work a...

s o r r y m u m vil spise opp alle julekakene i dag - hva ville Mormor gjort?

Det er den tiden - den tiden jeg blir som et barn igjen og vil spise kaker hver dag. Forskjellen nå fra jeg var liten til voksen, er at det er jeg som baker alle småkakene. Men det hemmer ikke apetitten. Jeg baker nemlig de kakene jeg liker best selv. Tørre julekaker. Ut-og-inn-kaker. Mine går ikke inn igjen. Så blir det tomt, da. Og jeg spør meg selv igjen:                "Hva ville Mormor gjort?" Mormor ville ha porsjonert ut julekakene nøye. Planlagt. Eller hun ville, i all hemmelighet og uten å si noe til skokken med barnebarn som kom på besøk i Julen, hun ville bakt nye når det ble tomt. Hå! God Jul!

A letter to my friends - Children first - New year wish 2017

Photo: Linda Gabrielli My dear Friends, Its been a while. But it is time. For change. I am writing to ask you a favour. Not for me, but for our children and our grandchildren. It can be difficult to teach an old dog new tricks – a saying. The old dog being me and perhaps you. Still - we are the ones who need to teach the children new tricks. To educate them on how to take care of eachother and of the planet. I believe the right way is not by exploiting nature, but by exploring nature – like small children do. In order to fall in love. When you are in love you want to nurture and learn how to do that in the best way and in the right way for love to flourish. Make the children fall in love with planet Earth . I ask you to show the children, teach them, take them to the woods and the lakes, the oceans and the desserts. Show them the beauty and the magnificence of Nature. Show them her fragility and her strength. Show them the beauty of whales playing and purring betw...