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Viser innlegg fra september, 2013

s o r r y m u m for Citykids - babyclothes in black with cool prints

Shop at:  http://epla.no/shops/sorrymum/

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"Ranten", Eggedal i bakgrunnen. Kan vi glede oss til ullgenser og rimfrost? Trugetur i puddersnø ved fullmåne? Akebakke og snøhule? Sparketur og kjelketur? Bål under stjernehimmel? Hvitt lys som trenger inn i stua om morgenen etter det første snøfallet og barnslig glede? - DET SNØR! Kan vi bare glede oss til vinteren? Leke i snøen? Som ingen andre i verden? Det kan vi.

Globalisation - s o r r y m u m at Himalaya Festival in Sandefjord, Norway

s o r r y m u m designed in Norway, made in Portugal, enjoyed by Tibetan living in India and visiting Norway after a stay with friends in Spain. I love this Planet!

s o r r y m u m and Dante - a lion at Chipangali Wildlife Orphanage, Zimbabwe

Dante - a male lion resident at Chipangali Wildlife Orphanage. He is a wonderfully playful and  social lion.     Photo: K.Udland   In 2013 I stayed 8 weeks working at the Chipangali Wildlife Orphanage as a volunteer and highly recommend staying at least 4 weeks to get the most of it. By then you will get to know the animals as you need to spend time with them to get them to know you. Then perhaps Dante will come running to you wanting to play when you come to see him. Standing on his behind legs like a gentle giant inviting you to run with him. Or Lundi - a male leopard - will come up to the fence for a cuddle. Imagine the feeling of digging your fingers in a lions mane and carefully stroke a leopards moist nose as he comes up to greet you. Imagine the size of a lions furball!   Dante. Photo: K. Udland They do wonderwork at this family-run orphanage in Zimbabwe. Also when it comes to the education of local children. You will get to go to schoo...

In the air - and on the ground: read Richard Bach

One of my favourite authors. He was on my mind being a passenger in a microplane from Norway, along the western coast of Sweden, crossing Denmark and, after landing on several grassfields for fueling, reaching Norden in northern Germany. And home. We flew wearing swimvests - constantly looking for places to land - just in case. A truly thrilling and magic journey. I will never stop reading Jonathan Livingston Seagull or Illusions. This flight was a timely reminder to never give up and to believe. Read. Please. Richard David Bach (born June 23, 1936) is an American writer. He is widely known as the author of the hugely popular 1970s best-sellers Jonathan Livingston Seagull and Illusions: The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah , among others. Bach's books espouse his philosophy that our apparent physical limits and mortality are merely appearance. He claims to be a direct descendant of Johann Sebastian Bach. Bach is noted for his love of flying and for his books related t...